Tuesday 29 November 2011

30 November 2011

Last day of posting, it means ther is an end of semester coming soon
time flow fast~ 1 more month and 1 week is the chinese new year
The last month(Dec) of the chinese calendar has no 30th days, only until 29th
next year 2012,is there really the end of the year ?
how you think about it?

Genting Ghost Story

On May 6, 2007, in genting malaysia, by malaysian
I wonder if any Malaysians have not heard of this story. It was a horrifying hit some years ago about an encounter with a pontianak.
It seemed one late night on the old road to Genting Highlands, before the new road was opened, a couple, husband and wife were driving downwards heading home after having their holidays. After passing a tunnel, their car began to have some wierd sounds. Curious, the husband decided to stop along the roadside to check on the engine. The road was deserted as it was late at night. The husband opened the bonnet of the car and began examining the engine with his torchlight.
While the husband was busy finding out what happened to his car, the wife sat quitely in the car waiting for him. Some 15 minutes passed by and the husband was still busy with the car. The wife just sat there patiently, she was beginning to wonder what took him so long. The eerie silence was a little too much for her as there was not a single sound at all.
Suddenly, she heard a loud motor sound coming towards her car. In need of help, she called out loudly to the motorcyclist, who happened to be a policeman. She was shocked as the policeman rushed to her with a panic frenzy, opened her car door, and ordered her to quickly jump onto his bike. The wife hesitated at first, but seeing the policeman was in a state of shock, she followed his instuctions obligingly.
Jumped onto his bike, she asked the policeman what was happening. He didn’t reply her, but ordered her not to ever look back to her car. As they sped down the road, the woman took a peek at the side mirror of the motorcycle, and there she saw the most horrifying thing — a pontianak with long hair and dressed in white was sucking her husband dry in front of the car!
This story happened years ago, when the old road to Genting was still at use. Now that the new road is opened and there are more cars than last time, the road isn’t as deserted as before, so do not worry about the pontianak. However, do take precautions, especially when you hear some wierd noises coming out of your car……

there is many version of this story, i jz found this on website...

ENL Assignment 2- formal outline

ENL Assignment
Formal Outline
The world is mystery. There some paranormal phenomenon that human cannot explain. This time, we talk about ghost. Ghost is a type of spirit. The good spirit we call “it” soul while the bad one we call “it” ghost. Sometime, ghost may bring the bad thing for us. Some scientific don’t believe it but they cannot explain. Are they real? Do you believe “it”?
1. Kids can see “it” easily; baby feel it and cry n sick
Supporting details-Kid’s sense is sensitive and they have nothing to block their sense to the nature. Therefore the kid’s will say they saw something in a corner or something that we can’t see and explain.
Supporting details- They are more experience that we get from the babies. For example, babies will cry in a sudden and we don’t know what happen to them. Elder will not allow parents bring their kids or babies go out at night because they worry the baby and the kids will attract ghost cause kids and babies are more sensitive.
Conclusion sentences- The sense of babies and kids are more sensitive than adult therefore the ghost more like to be close to them.
2. Tradition of Chinese, Malay n India
Supporting details-There are many tradition in different religion. Some believe the existence of ghost while some not but they still believe there is some mystery phenomenon that human can’t explain.
Supporting details- Chinese celebrate the Hungry Ghost Festival. This festival is means to the holiday of ghost in hell. The door of the hell will open and let the ghost come out to the world for 1 month. So, Chinese will less to go out at night or midnight to avoid meet ghost.
3. School, hospital, ns camp
Supporting details-School and hospital are always the place have the most story of ghost. In school, there are many girls who
be dissapointed in love affair and commit suicide. In hospital, there is usual that doctors or nurses meet ghost because hospital is the place that most people die there.
Conclusion sentences-the tradition is one of the way that human believe the existence of ghost so they believe the ghost is real.
4. Movie: paranormal activity
Supporting details- Horror movie cause the sense of human sensitive to the ghost, so sometime they may say the movie is the reason that cause people thinking too much to ghost and this make the human they frighten themselves. 
Supporting details- Movie is always a story not real. Is that all true? The first episode of paranormal activity actually is the real story and they really get the video of that story. The second and the third episode only is the fake story.
Conclusion sentence- Movie is not really the fake but also there are fact inside the movie.
5. Normal situation, day or night, sleeping or hear someone calling n dream
Supporting details- do you hear someone calling your name behind you? If there is no one there, people always says that don’t turn around your head.
Supporting details- at night, when you walking along a dark street there will increase the percentage of meet to the ghost.
conclusion sentences- when your fortune is bad then may have a chance to see it, and the percentage will increase at night in a peaceful place. 
6. Genting Highlands
Supporting details- Genting is one of the place that have many ghost even in the hotels, casino or the road.
Supporting details- gambler have their own way to win money by the helping of ghost.
conclusion sentences- Genting is on the mountain therefore the magnetic field and the condition cause the ghost like to stay there. As we know, ghost like to stay in the forest also.
A video found in Youtube that can show during presentation. A video take in Ria Apartment of Genting Highlands.

As a conclusion, ghost is cannot explain and “they” are exist in anywhere and anytime. In my view, I believe that they are real. The scientist can believe the appearance of alien but why not the ghost? Maybe really there are another world that human don’t know it’s existence. Do you believe it? Are they real? Believe it, or not.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

ENL Assignment answer

2. a)
            Regarding the issue that I understand some pets are not happiness as we look. Pet abuse is now a common case in this era. Pet is for accompany and extrude the loneliness of human. Pet owners must give all the love for the pet but not torturing them. I know that a pet owner give their love to the pet sincerely, it will pay back to the owner no matter how. There is some way of pet abuse. The first is the pet owners must have responsibility to the life of the pet. However, there is some pet owner not giving appropriate care for their pets and let the pet die in starving. Some of the pet owners abandon the pets or use some cruel attitude such as kicking and slamming their pets. There are some articles show that the process of pet abuse, it really too horrible to look at. They can’t experience the pain and suffer of the pets.

            The pet abuse will occur because of several reasons. The stress from society bring human hot-tempered. Some problem like loneliness or angry may cause human torture the pets to vent their depression. The psychological problem increase the pet abuse cases. Some people just torture for fun and take down the video of the process. Some people would like to have some fun to stimulate their view therefore they include in pet abuse. However, they do not have the knowledge of the law. This kind of behavior may cause them get penalty of jail or a fine. Some pet owners force to leave the pets such as an old man pass away or a patient who seriously ill. Pet owners who has no ability to feed the pets they will abandon the pets anywhere. This kind of reason is because they did not do the ligation for pets.

The pet abuse will bring some impacts to the society and nation. The first impact to society is the accident rates increase because the increase of tramp pets. The pets walk along the road and do not caution to vehicle. The increase of tramp pets along the road and the pets lost belief to human may attack human on the street. This threaten the safety of people. The engage of pet shelter will also need to increase their cost to buy the nourishment for pets when the tramp pets are increase.

            Impact for nation is reputation of a nation drop because the government do not take action to solve the problem. Tourist may get hurt by the tramp pets and this cause the complaint to the nation also. Besides that, economy of nation may fall down because need to solve the tramp pets problem with take out an underestimated cost. Hygiene of nation drop and this may cause infectious diseases. When the diseases spread out, government need to solve the problem and been accused by others.